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What is it
A set of electronics kits for GRBL CNC.
Purpose of designed is easy to connected and used by Beginner, Developer, or Manufacturer.
Long cables with quick connector no need soliding.
With the multiple quick connector you can put the power cables of parallel connetion together in one min.
The default GRBL firmware is already in board (version-0.9g azixs × 3 with modify the pins for compatible PiBot controller board Rev2.0)
Just need plug and configure the parameters in the software then can be used.
The set of electronics including:
- PiBot Controller Board Rev2.0 × 1
- PiBot Stepper Motor Driver Rev2.2 × 3
- PiBot Mechanical Endstop Rev2.0 × 6
- PiBot Isolated Relay Rev2.0 × 1
- Endstop Cable for Controller Board Rev2.x × 6
- Stepper Motor Driver Signal Cable for Controller Board Rev2.x × 3
- Stepper Motor Driver Power Cable for Board Rev2.x × 3
- Multiple Quick Connector for Power Cables × 2
- USB Cable Blue 1.50m × 1
More information you can see the related product page.
How it works
Stepper Driver and Motor Connect
Endstop Connect
Laser Head PWM Connect
Connect to the controller board PWM port.
Download the pdf -- https://www.pibot.com/ben/toturails-connect-cnc-electronics/wiring-diagram-for-cnc.pdf
Related Tutorails
--------------------------------------------------Downloads of 3D Printer Building
1,Repitier Fimware for PiBot Rev2.3
2,Marlin Firmware for PiBot Rev2.3
1,Repitier- Host
---------------------------------------------------Downloads of 2-Axis Laser and 3-Axis CNC Building
2-AXIS Laser and 3-Axis CNC Firmware
1,Grbl 1.1f for PiBot Rev2.3
- https://www.pibot.com/doc/GRBL-11f-PiBot-Rev23-V1.zip // (with .hex files in zip file)
- https://www.pibot.com/doc/grbl-11f-mega5x-basic-setting.zip // (run related .nc file on you first run in the sofware)
2-AXIS Laser and 3-Axis CNC Software
1,Laser: Grbl - Laser
2,CNC: openbuild - Controller
-----------------------------------------------------Downloads of 4-6Axis CNC Building
1,Grbl MEGA-5X 1.2e for PiBot Rev2.3
- https://www.pibot.com/doc/grbl-Mega-5X-edge-102e-PiBot-Rev23-V1.zip // (with .hex files in zip file)
- https://www.pibot.com/doc/grbl-11f-mega5x-basic-setting.zip // (run related .nc file on you first run in the sofware)
4-6Axis CNC Software
2,Hot Wire Mega 5X:
-----------------------------------------------------Downloads of Robot Arm Control
RoBot Arm Firmware
1,Robot Arm V0.81 Firmware for PiBot Rev2.3
RoBot Arm software
2,Robot Arm 20sffactory
---------------------------------------------------- Downloads of Others
PiBot Controller Board USB Driver (Rev 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.3)
Arduino IDE Tools for Upload Firmware
Xloader Tool for Upload ".hex" Firmware
- Main Power Input: DC 12V - 30V (12V recommend)
- Power Inpu Fuse: 15A
- Length of USB Cable: 1500mm
- Length of Endstop Signal Cable: 1500mm
- Length of Stepper Motor Driver Signal Cable: 500mm
- Length of Stepper Motor Driver Power Cable: 200mm
Shipping List
- PiBot Controller Board Rev2.0 × 1
- PiBot Stepper Motor Driver Rev2.2 × 3
- PiBot Mechanical Endstop Rev2.0 × 6
- PiBot Isolated Relay Rev2.0 × 1
- Endstop Cable for Controller Board Rev2.x × 6
- Stepper Motor Driver Signal Cable for Controller Board Rev2.x × 3
- Stepper Motor Driver Power Cable for Board Rev2.x × 3
- Multiple Quick Connector for Power Cables × 2
- USB Cable Blue 1.50m × 1
Shipping Notification
World Wide Shiping
- DHL: 5 to 9 days