You can get the related tutorails from:
PiBot Brand Technical Support:
A, Please use the PiBot offical hardware firmware software.
B, If you meet the trouble plese provide the related item to us in email - (support(at)pibot.com) as following:
- 1: Description your trouble, you do better give us the picture or videos
- 2: Send us a complete firmware
- 3: Tell me which vesion of software
- 4: The vesion of controller board
- 5: The power supply model
- 6: Thermistor (for 3D printer only)
- 7: Extruder (for 3D printer only)
- 8: Heat bed (for 3D printer only)
- 9: Endstop (for 3D printer only)
- 10: LCD (for 3D printer only)
- 11: Relay (for CNC only)
We will ask you as soon as possible.
Semitec Brand Technical Support:
You can get the contact from:
Third-party Support:
C, If you use the third-party (include repetier official and GRBL official), we provide the limit support, you can post the problem to the forum.