PiBot hardware, firmware and software support double extruders. one extruder prints the main structure and another extruder prints support structure.
Step 1 : Download the Firmware and Upload Tools
PiBot 3D Printer Controller Board USB Driver Click Here for Download
The PiBot 3D Printer software have integrate the USB driver, if you have install the software,you don't need install the driver again.
PiBot 3D Printer Firmware Click Here for Download
Only need configure All parameter in one-page-- ”OnePageConfigure.h”.
Firmware Upload Tools Click Here for Download
Please use this version to upload your Firmware then you don't need to modifying anything.
Step 2 : Configure the Paremeter in "OnePageConfigure.h"
Now,unzip the files of firmware to a folder and find the file named OnePageConfigure,h.
Edit the parameters in this page which your just preparing above and save it. (Notepad++ recommended for editor tools)
EXT0_EXT1_DistanceX represents distance between two extruders in X axis. EXT0_EXT1_DistanceY represents distance between two extruders in Y axis.
Step 3 : Upload the Firmware to The Controller Board
1. Unzip the three files to separately floder.
2. Install the
controller board USB driver then connect the controller board to the computer via USB wire
3. Check the COM number in Device Manager.
4. Run the
arduino.exe in the Upload tool folder and open the Pibot.ino which in the firmware folder.
5. Select the COM which you check in Device Manager.
6. Select the board model - Aduino Mega 2560 in the arduino.exe
7. Verify and upload the firmware to the board
Step 4 : Open the PiBot 3D Printer Software
1.Set the printer parameters
Name your printer in printer settings.
The number of extruders is 2.
Set the printer shape according to the size of the double extruders and the building platform.
2.Basic settings and slic3r quick configure.
3.Import a Model, Sliced with Slic3r. The picture shown is the double extruder working condition. One extruder prints the main structure and another extruder prints support structure.